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Tetra ReptoMin Baby is a balanced and nutrient rich complete food for young turtles.The high protein content of 45 % promotes healthy growth while the optimal calcium-phosphorus ratio helps ensure healthy bone and shell development in young animals.The specially developed feed formula of Tetra ReptoMin Baby also reduces unpleasant tank odours and is made with natural ingredients. This means that the food contains no colourants.The small ReptoMin Baby food sticks are specially adapted to the requirements and eating habits of young turtles, making it easier to feed them.
Tetra ReptoMin Baby is a balanced and nutrient rich complete food for young turtles.The high protein content of 45 % promotes healthy growth while the optimal calcium-phosphorus ratio helps ensure healthy bone and shell development in young animals.The specially developed feed formula of Tetra ReptoMin Baby also reduces unpleasant tank odours and is made with natural ingredients. This means that the food contains no colourants.The small ReptoMin Baby food sticks are specially adapted to the requirements and eating habits of young turtles, making it easier to feed them.