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ZEOMIN FORTE is a unique blend of mineral zeolite with select strains of Bacillus spp probiotics in granular form providing an unmatched efficacy for all types of pond conditions. It improves the water quality and hygienic characteristics which determine the survivability, growth and ultimate yield of Fish, Shrimp and Prawns. ZEOMIN FORTE Granules contain Silica, Aluminum, and oxides of Calcium which is an important mineral for healthy aquatic life along with various strains of Bacillus spp with a well tied bond. Zeolites contain:SiO2- 60 - 70 %; Al2O3 - 15 - 20 %; Fe2O3 - 2 - 4 %; CaO - 10 - 15 %; Other Important minerals – q.s; The high C.E.C (Cation Exchange Capacity) provides a friendly medium for the removal of toxic gases by way of ion exchange as a physical / chemical filter.
ZEOMIN FORTE is a unique blend of mineral zeolite with select strains of Bacillus spp probiotics in granular form providing an unmatched efficacy for all types of pond conditions. It improves the water quality and hygienic characteristics which determine the survivability, growth and ultimate yield of Fish, Shrimp and Prawns. ZEOMIN FORTE Granules contain Silica, Aluminum, and oxides of Calcium which is an important mineral for healthy aquatic life along with various strains of Bacillus spp with a well tied bond. Zeolites contain:SiO2- 60 - 70 %; Al2O3 - 15 - 20 %; Fe2O3 - 2 - 4 %; CaO - 10 - 15 %; Other Important minerals – q.s; The high C.E.C (Cation Exchange Capacity) provides a friendly medium for the removal of toxic gases by way of ion exchange as a physical / chemical filter.