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Ocean Free Anti Dropsy

Availability: In stock

Ocean Free Anti Dropsy; 10 capsules/pack
Ocean Free Anti Dropsy Capsules for Arowana, stingray or large fish is specially formulated to treat dropsy.
Symptoms vary widely.
A common sign is when the scales protrude outwards giving the Arowana a pine cone appearance,
Hence it is also commonly known as protruding scales disease.
Other physical signs include swollen belly, bulging eyes, swollen and red anus, stringy and pale faces, pale gills, and/or curved spine.
Behavioural signs include lethargy, laborious breathing, hanging near water surface, clamped fins, and loss of appetite.

Availability: In stock



A common sign is when the scales protrude outwards giving the Arowana a pine cone appearance (also known as "Protruding Scales Disease").Other physical signs include: Swollen belly, Bulging eyes, Swollen and red anus, Faces is pale and stringy, Gills become pale, and/or spine may become curved,Behavioural signs in the Arowana include:Lethargy,laborious breathing,hanging at water surface,Clamped fins, and/or anorexia (loss of appetite).

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A common sign is when the scales protrude outwards giving the Arowana a pine cone appearance (also known as "Protruding Scales Disease").Other physical signs include: Swollen belly, Bulging eyes, Swollen and red anus, Faces is pale and stringy, Gills become pale, and/or spine may become curved,Behavioural signs in the Arowana include:Lethargy,laborious breathing,hanging at water surface,Clamped fins, and/or anorexia (loss of appetite).

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