Rena Smart Heater The revolutionary Smart Heater from Rena sets a new standard in temperature control and accuracy.
It is fully submersible and works in any position by drawing the aquarium water up through its centre, warming it as it passes through then the warmed water flowing out near the top. This method greatly reduces any possible damage to livestock where contact with a normal heater can lead to burns, particularly on slow moving creatures such as terrapins or an anemone.
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Rena Smart Heater The revolutionary Smart Heater from Rena sets a new standard in temperature control and accuracy.
It is fully submersible and works in any position by drawing the aquarium water up through its centre, warming it as it passes through then the warmed water flowing out near the top. This method greatly reduces any possible damage to livestock where contact with a normal heater can lead to burns, particularly on slow moving creatures such as terrapins or an anemone.